Sunday, April 17, 2011

Selection of work from VAP Al CuSO4 salt etch workshops

New developments in etching chemistry have made it possible for metal plates to be etched in metal salt solutions rather than acid.The new and safer method, Metal Salt Etching, can and has effectively replaced the traditional acid etching approach in many studios and colleges. The benefits of this new etching methodology over the traditional acid etch approach are compelling, both in terms of safety and in regard to the quality of the bitten work.There are several variants of processes, but all are essentially electro-chemical in nature and share many of their basic chemical properties.

Ivana Lavelle VAP 3 Access Aluminium Copper Sulphate Saline Etch

Maria Clarke VAP 2 Al CuSO4 Hardground Etch

Grainne Stack VAP 2 Al/CuSO4salt etch

Jenny Toner VAP 2 Al CuSO4 Salt etch. Tonal areas etched at 2min intervals.

VAP 2 Workshop Al/CuSO4 salt etch

Aquatint frequently involves the use of step etching. The plate is evenly covered in acrylic dots. The first marks are made with a resist (an oil crayon, for instance) - these will print white. Then the plate is etched, first lightly, for say just 30 seconds, taken out, and more marks applied. Further painting and etching stages will then result in a complex and layered tonal image.
In etching, aquatint is normally used to fill open areas on the plate with durable tones or a black. The Saline Sulfate Etch Copper Sulphate for aluminum is self-aquatinting. During etching a very distinctive and durable surface roughness occurs in the open areas; this crystalline texture can produce a beautiful black on the print all by itself.Thus eliminating the stringent Health and Safety precautions necessary when using the traditional aquatint rosin technique.

Electroetch Workshops

Electroetch is the most Eco Friendly method of etching.
By applying a direct current from a power supply to two metal plates in parallel in a solution of the salt of the metal. The plate connected to the positive charge (Anode) corrodes while the plate connected to the negative charge (cathode) becomes plated.

One advantage of the electroetch technique is that the metal salt solution never weakens but remains at the same concentration. By using the same concentration in the electrolytic solution, the same time, and same voltage, the printmaker is able to produce a consistent bite.
Another unique property of the technique is that electroetching focuses & corrodes the sides of the crystal of the metal. This allows the ink to hold better than in an acid etched line creating a richer tone. To obtain tones like aquatint, you have simply to leave bare areas of metal. Electrolysis causes a rugged surface which will hold the ink like an aquatint.

Drawing Elective Print/Drawing Machine Project

Students from across programmes Model Making, Graphic Design, Photography, Film, and VAP 3&4D at the School of Creative Arts, IADT participated in this 3day Print/Drawing machine workshop an element of a Drawing Elective Module.

Following on from the Drawing Elective print/drawing machine workshop two VAP 3D students Fiona Gannon and Darren Warren continued working on self directed projects incorporating and expanding on aspects of their drawing machines.

Fiona Gannon VAP 2 3D self directed project.

Darren Warren VAP 2 3D self directed project. Work in progress.

Darren Warren VAP 2 3D self directed project. Work in progress.